The morning programs went well and we arrived at the airport after lunch. We found out by surprise that our flight to Houston has been delayed because of bad weather in Houston. It has been 2.5 hour past our departure time. The plane is flying here from Houston at this point, and should arrive in half an hour or so. It looks like we will miss our connection flight at Houston. Please pray for us for a smooth arrangement to come home soon. Quite a few of us need to work tomorrow.
Pastor Patrick
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Sunday, October 9, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
October Belize Medical STM Day 8
We were glad to have a chance to tour around Belize City today. It gave us a better perspective of the city and the needs of the people. We learned that the unemployment rate of Belize is 40% and crimes are increasing. The country is struggling and people do not feel safe.
The dinner with church coworkers was nice and we had some good discussions with church leaders about what we did and some future ministry ideas. Tomorrow morning will be our last ministries before we return home. Henry will be preaching and Pastor Yin will be teaching Sunday school. Please pray for them and our return trip in the afternoon. See you all very soon and thank you for all your prayers!
Pastor Patrick
The dinner with church coworkers was nice and we had some good discussions with church leaders about what we did and some future ministry ideas. Tomorrow morning will be our last ministries before we return home. Henry will be preaching and Pastor Yin will be teaching Sunday school. Please pray for them and our return trip in the afternoon. See you all very soon and thank you for all your prayers!
Pastor Patrick
Friday, October 7, 2011
October Belize Medical STM Day 7
Today is the last day for our medical and dental service programs at the Chinese church. We thanked God for six more new believers. The evening question and answer session also went well with many meaningful exchanges. We are all so grateful to God for using us to bring the gospel to many, and to care for their physical needs in very tangible ways. May all glory go to our Lord Jesus Christ!
We will have a chance to tour around the city tomorrow and to rest a little bit. We have invited the church coworkers to dinner and then do some evaluations for our programs this time, and also future possibilities. Please pray for us that we can have a safe and fruitful day tomorrow! Thanks again for all your prayers!
Pastor Patrick
We will have a chance to tour around the city tomorrow and to rest a little bit. We have invited the church coworkers to dinner and then do some evaluations for our programs this time, and also future possibilities. Please pray for us that we can have a safe and fruitful day tomorrow! Thanks again for all your prayers!
Pastor Patrick
Thursday, October 6, 2011
October Belize Medical STM Day 6
Today is a slow day for the medical and dental services. It was a welcome break for us because many of us are getting tired. I had time to work on my message for the evangelistic meeting in the evening. The evening meeting was well attended. Even the youths came to attend the meeting despite today being a regular school day. I guessed they liked to hear what I had to say about "Pursuing our dreams in life." Silvia gave her conversion testimony at the meeting. Helen helped to translate my Cantonese message into English, while Mindy sat with some people to translate it into Mandarin. We originally decided to use Cantonese only. The translation made the sermon longer than our plan. We praised God for helping about 6 people to commit their lives to follow Jesus Christ! Thank you so much for all your prayers!
Pastor Patrick
Pastor Patrick
October Belize Medical STM Day 5
Today is the highlight of our medical mission trip. We (Dr. Kevin Chan, Dr. Mindy Gao, Silvia Cen, Henry Lo, Fred Shyr and I) went to Unity Presbyterian Primary School located off the Western Highway of Downtown Belize City.
We arrived at 8:40am and the entire student body (approximately 200 children) greeted us in the School Church. They filled the entire church. Pastor Benson and his wife who is the Principal of the school led the entire school to welcome us. The real heart-warming event took place when all the students sent their representatives to hand us their cards of appreciation. We must have received hundreds of cards thanking Lord’s Grace Christian Church. After they handed over the cards, each child gave us hugs to
show their love and appreciation. We will bring the cards home so everyone will see them.
After the welcome ceremony, Dr. Gao did a presentation to the kids urging them to brush their teeth carefully as to prevent general health issues. After the 20 minute presentation, we presented our church’s donation for their sports uniform program. Now, they have the funds to provide uniforms for their basketball and other sports programs.
We then went to the Unity Presbyterian Outreach Center. We split up the room into 2 stations: one for dental and one for medical. I assisted Dr. Huang with dental examinations and we must have passed out 120 dental self-care kits. Most of the children are experiencing poor dental care because many of them have cavities and lacked regular dental care. A few parents from the neighborhood were taking
their children to our clinic and we could communicate to the parents immediately about their children’s dental hygiene.
Silvia assisted Dr. Chan in examining over 150 students. Most of them are in good health except one case of heart mummer and 2 cases of malnutrition.
From 2pm on, Dr. Chan, Silvia and Henry returned to the school for the afternoon examinations. When they arrived at the school, some of the children were outpouring their appreciations for our visit in the morning; they were running to the car and hugged everyone on the team long and hard. Silvia was touched by the outpouring of their appreciation as one of her special moments for this mission trip.
Our team examined 21 people in the afternoon, including 5 staff members, 14 parents and 2 children from the school.
Overall, we just appreciate God in control of all things so that we could provide the basic medical and dental services for the needy children in Belize. Thanks for Brother Shyr’s hard work behind the scenes to arrange with the school. Praise God that the weather was sunny so the examinations for all these kids went smoothly.
-Michael Chao
We arrived at 8:40am and the entire student body (approximately 200 children) greeted us in the School Church. They filled the entire church. Pastor Benson and his wife who is the Principal of the school led the entire school to welcome us. The real heart-warming event took place when all the students sent their representatives to hand us their cards of appreciation. We must have received hundreds of cards thanking Lord’s Grace Christian Church. After they handed over the cards, each child gave us hugs to
show their love and appreciation. We will bring the cards home so everyone will see them.
After the welcome ceremony, Dr. Gao did a presentation to the kids urging them to brush their teeth carefully as to prevent general health issues. After the 20 minute presentation, we presented our church’s donation for their sports uniform program. Now, they have the funds to provide uniforms for their basketball and other sports programs.
We then went to the Unity Presbyterian Outreach Center. We split up the room into 2 stations: one for dental and one for medical. I assisted Dr. Huang with dental examinations and we must have passed out 120 dental self-care kits. Most of the children are experiencing poor dental care because many of them have cavities and lacked regular dental care. A few parents from the neighborhood were taking
their children to our clinic and we could communicate to the parents immediately about their children’s dental hygiene.
Silvia assisted Dr. Chan in examining over 150 students. Most of them are in good health except one case of heart mummer and 2 cases of malnutrition.
From 2pm on, Dr. Chan, Silvia and Henry returned to the school for the afternoon examinations. When they arrived at the school, some of the children were outpouring their appreciations for our visit in the morning; they were running to the car and hugged everyone on the team long and hard. Silvia was touched by the outpouring of their appreciation as one of her special moments for this mission trip.
Our team examined 21 people in the afternoon, including 5 staff members, 14 parents and 2 children from the school.
Overall, we just appreciate God in control of all things so that we could provide the basic medical and dental services for the needy children in Belize. Thanks for Brother Shyr’s hard work behind the scenes to arrange with the school. Praise God that the weather was sunny so the examinations for all these kids went smoothly.
-Michael Chao
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
October Belize Medical STM Day 4
We had a slow morning for people coming for free medical and dental services, and so we did some visitation. More people came in the afternoon and we ended up with 27 patients for the day. Kevin and a few of us went to the stores in the afternoon to provide home medical care and we were received warmly. Henry also led a store owner to Christ. The evening workshop offered by Mindy on oral care was helpful to us even though we have less attendees. Janet also gave her conversion testimony. Please pray for the team going to the school tomorrow. By the way, we thank God for keeping all of us healthy and in excellent spirit.
-Pastor Patrick
-Pastor Patrick
Monday, October 3, 2011
October Belize Medical STM Day 3

Sharing from Francis Chui:
I saw a Cantonese speaking woman on late Saturday evening, the first night after we arrived at Belize City. She came to seek consultation about an intensely itchy rash, as she was about to leave Belize the next Monday to visit her daughter at San Jose, California. In addition to diagnosing what might be causing the skin rash and prescribing an ointment to relieve the itching, I was able to know a bit about her life experience in Belize City. She and her husband used to operate a store in the city and financially was doing very well until the misfortune that the store was robbed. During the robbery, the husband was hit in the head by a hard object and sustained head injury which left him in a persistent vegetative state. They spent essentially their entire life savings seeking medical care that might improve his poor neurological outcome. But the end result was not much of an improvement. She was forced to look for jobs in order to survive. she now works in a very dusty and humid warehouse where she often has to squeeze her body through very crowded storage space to look for inventory items. I was very touched by her experiences and wanted to share them on this blog.
Updates from Pastor Patrick
It was a long day for us, leaving the hotel at 7:45am and returning at 10pm. We provided free medical and dental services from 9:30am to 4:00pm. We had a total of 15 people coming for the services. Praise God that two people accepted Christ during their time with us. A few of us also went to check out the Christian school that we would be serving on Wednesday. They have a total of 200+ students, and we plan to provide the students some screening in the morning, and then serve the school staff and parents in the afternoon. Please pray for Mindy, Kevin, Silvia and Michael who will be serving there on Wednesday. Kevin gave a CPR and food choking relief class to the youths and some parents. Many of the church youths did come even though they have to go to school early tomorrow. Michael gave his testimony and I gave a brief introduction of the gospel message. Pastor Timothy Yin closed the meeting with an altar call and a benediction. The young people really enjoyed the meeting. Please pray for the final preparation of my evangelistic message on Thursday night. Thanks!
Day Two Update!
For those who were able to catch the quick prayer request we made earlier today, I would like to report that we had a very meaningful evening. I'm particularly inspired by the enthusiasm of A Ching (the Cantonese speaking church member) who invited so many of her non-believing friends to come to her house to meet with us. She & a few of her girl friends had to make 2 rounds of cooking, first, for the 11 of us & then for her group of friends who came later after 9pm because they all could only come after they closed their shops. I was really touched by her servant attitude. After dinner, all of us were able to engage in separate conversations with all of them. We all had very good sharing time. Henry was able to lead one of the guys to accept Jesus. PTL!
Please continue to pray for us as we'll begin our free clinic tomorrow from 9:30am to 5pm. Our evening workshop will be led by Kevin Chan whom will teach First Aid to the youths.
Helen Hui
Please continue to pray for us as we'll begin our free clinic tomorrow from 9:30am to 5pm. Our evening workshop will be led by Kevin Chan whom will teach First Aid to the youths.
Helen Hui
Sunday, October 2, 2011
October Belize Medical STM Day 2
Pastor Patrick did fine with his mandarin interpretation this morning even though
he was not very confident about it. We like to ask for prayer support tonight at 9pm
Belize time (1 hour ahead of your time). We are invited to a dinner gathering
at sister A-Ching's home to meet a group of seekers. We are expected to share
the gospel with them because the seekers knew the purpose of our visit from US.
Please pray for all of us so we will be able to communicate the gospel clearly and
effectively, and for all the seekers to be willing to receive the gospel. We appreciate
all your prayers!
-Helen Hui
he was not very confident about it. We like to ask for prayer support tonight at 9pm
Belize time (1 hour ahead of your time). We are invited to a dinner gathering
at sister A-Ching's home to meet a group of seekers. We are expected to share
the gospel with them because the seekers knew the purpose of our visit from US.
Please pray for all of us so we will be able to communicate the gospel clearly and
effectively, and for all the seekers to be willing to receive the gospel. We appreciate
all your prayers!
-Helen Hui
October Belize Medical STM Day 1
We arrived at church 3am this morning. Two brothers and one sister were willing to get up so early to use three cars to take us to the airport. One small accident happened at the airport that a sister slightly scrapped her elbow and leg. Praise God that the injury was minor. Please continue to pray for us for good health and God’s protection.
We met up with our 11th teammate smoothly at Houston airport – Pastor Timothy Yin. We arrived at Belize on time. Even though the custom gave us some small trouble with the medicines we bring in, it was finally resolved without much problem. We thank God for letting us arrive safely and smoothly at Belize.
We settled in at a hotel within walking distance to the Chinese church that we are going to partner with. We were treated later with a very nice dinner at the best Chinese restaurant by the pastor, his wife and sister A-Ching .
Tomorrow will begin our ministries at the church. Henry Lo will teach Sunday school. Pastor Yin will preach. Silvia will lead the praise time. I, Pastor Patrick, will be worship chairman, translator, and will lead Holy Communion. Please pray for all the coworkers, and especially me for my rusty mandarin.
We praise God for bringing us here. May His will be accomplished!
-Pastor Patrick Auyeung
We met up with our 11th teammate smoothly at Houston airport – Pastor Timothy Yin. We arrived at Belize on time. Even though the custom gave us some small trouble with the medicines we bring in, it was finally resolved without much problem. We thank God for letting us arrive safely and smoothly at Belize.
We settled in at a hotel within walking distance to the Chinese church that we are going to partner with. We were treated later with a very nice dinner at the best Chinese restaurant by the pastor, his wife and sister A-Ching .
Tomorrow will begin our ministries at the church. Henry Lo will teach Sunday school. Pastor Yin will preach. Silvia will lead the praise time. I, Pastor Patrick, will be worship chairman, translator, and will lead Holy Communion. Please pray for all the coworkers, and especially me for my rusty mandarin.
We praise God for bringing us here. May His will be accomplished!
-Pastor Patrick Auyeung
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