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Sunday, July 16, 2017

2017 Day Two: Sunday 7/16/17 -Tim and Sindra

Hello everyone back home!

It has been a great and blessed day today. We have seen what God has been doing with the churches here in Belize today.

Everyone woke up around 7 this morning and had breakfast. Got on the bus and went to the morning service at Lake Independence Baptist church around 8:30. It was an interesting service. We were surprised at how much passion the people Belize have for Christ. Everyone was sing and praising the Lord. It was very encouraging to see that people who does not look like us and have totally different culture back worships the same Lord. We wish the people back home can experience the passion that the Belize people have.

After the service we came back to Church and had pizza for lunch. Shortly after, we went upstairs and joined the Chinese service. For some of us it was the first time we've ever been in a Mandarin service. Pastor Eugene gave the sermon in English and was translated into Mandarin. He talked about how as a Christian we have to embrace all God's people and their cultures.

The Chinese church here had a pot luck for us there were so much food and left overs. We are very appreciative of the time and effort they put into welcoming us here.

Tomorrow, is going to be our first day of VBS. It is going to be very busy for all of us.

Please pray that God will use each and everyone of us to plant the seed to the Belizean children and bring them into His kingdom. Please also pray for our safety as it well be very hot in the next couple of days. Pray that God will be with us where ever we go. Lastly, thanks for being here with us in spirit and prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are having an opportunity to see Christ worshipped and experience another culture's love for Him. Will pray for fruitful conversations and the love of Christ to be among your team and flowing out to whomever you meet. :)
