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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day Four (VBS and more youth hostel)

Today, we started our first day of VBS at the Chinese church. The children had a great time learning about Noah and his ark, the flood and God’s promise to Noah through the symbol of a rainbow. We also enjoyed worshiping God through songs and dance. It was great meeting many of the children we saw in previous years. Having taught the youngest class 2 years ago, we probably saw the most growth in the children we knew. Many of the children grew so much in the Lord, some of the children were crying for their moms 2 years ago, and now, have become mature, active participants in class. There was one boy, who refused to talk or to be separated from his older brother two years ago; today, he initiated discussions about Noah’s Ark with his friends and willingly offered his chair to a friend who wanted to sit. How he actively participated in all the VBS activities testifies to how much he has grown in the last two years. Another boy who would not stop running around the church building during class time 2 years ago, would now engage in intelligent discussions with his fellow peers and teachers. Thank you Lord for this opportunity to get to know these children and to have the opportunity to see how much they have grown in the Lord in the last two years.
-Virginia Wu (Chu)
The Chinese team has been working together with the English team in the last two days going to Pickstock, the youth hostel, and VBS. But tonight, we did something different from the English team. I did a nutrition talk at the Chinese church, about 20 people attended. The talk went OK. Thanks for your prayers. There will be another workshop tomorrow by Jon Mo about creation and evolution. Pastor Poon will lead a prayer meeting on Wednesday night. Please continue to pray for the progress for the computer lab. We will probably be painting the walls tomorrow. Hope you all are doing well back home.
Pauline Auyueng
Prayer Requests:
1. For the kids from the VBS because we won’t be having anymore interaction with them for another year.
2. So that the computer lab finishes on time.
3. That we can connect to youth hostel kids more.


  1. Virginia, isn't it amazing to see how much kids can mature in so little time? I'm so glad you had a chance to go back and see some of the kiddos who you had struggled with before. Sounds like you are having a great experience!

    Pauline, thanks for the update! Hope painting went well!!

  2. Pauline, Thanks for the update. We are doing fine here, but miss you all. Glad your nutrition workshop went well. Will pray for Jon's talk tonight and prayer meeting tomorrow night. Keep up the great work! Our prayers are with you everyday.
