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Friday, July 22, 2011

Day Seven (Island Block Party)

Today we went back to the Youth Hostel. Many of us went to join the
kids in the soccer fields, but I primarily hung around in the computer
lab. We put the finishing touches on the dry walls. This included
sanding down the putty with the wet sponges and applying a final coat
of putty. Painting is to follow on Saturday. At the end of the
morning, Ms. Martinez, the head teacher, presented us with an I think
hand-made thank you gift that should arrive in LGCC next week.

After lunch, we took a one hour boat ride to San Pedro. After settling
down, we had another block party. This time, a few of us walked
through the neighborhood, hollering at kids to come. It was great to
see the kids run out from their homes, asking when the party would
take place. We of course said right now, and many quickly finished up
what they were doing and came. The block party was again tiring, but a
true blessing. Arts and crafts, face painting, and ball playing. The
skit team also did their Noah skit from VBS earlier this week. Since
it was their second run, everything was really smooth. Praise God.
Many of the kids were quietly and attentively watching.

It's late now and I'm tired. But again, another fulfilling and
rewarding day with too many things to thank God for.

Galatians 2:20. First part of the verse is quite spiritual and
understandable. The second part of the verse is about living in the
body/flesh. Never really understood/experienced what that meant until
this STM. Living by faith in the body is very practical when you have
mosquitoes hunting you every moment and six other guys challenging you
for bathroom time. At those moments, Christ really shines forth.

-Victor Wu

Dear Belize blog faithful readers,
Greetings from San Pedro! I am writing you from a very comfortable hotel on the island, however we are still very much on the Belize short term mission. Praise God for everything He has brought us through. He was there to support us through difficult challenges, rejoice in those challenges overcome and protect and guide us along the way.
This morning, I was part of a smaller team that left at 8am to go first to the youth hostel to set up computers, clear the computer lab, touch up the drywall and prepare for painting. I learned that several team members stayed up late configuring computers and upgrading software. This included Jon
Hsu who stayed late at the church to wait for a download to complete. The rest if the team packed their bags, loaded up the bus and we all met up at the youth hostel. Besides the work on the computer lab, we were blessed by a short rain shower, and some of us got to see the youth hostel boys play in a soccer match or play basketball with a few of the boys and a few girls got their finger nails painted. We also received some scones from the youth hostel kitchen where quite good. Finally, we were surprised by the head lady to present us with gifts of appreciation and a card signed by the youth hostel kids. While the computer lab is not completely done - we've made tremendous progress from how it originally was, and we cant wait to show you the pictures.
This afternoon, we also got on a boat to bring the while team to San Pedro. We are so blessed to stay in a nice hotel and enjoy everything God provides. We checked in an then got ready for our first day if block party and VBS on the island. After grouping together for prayer and organization we started playing and sharing with youth around us at the basketball court. I had the opportunity to share the gospel and pray with 3 Belizian children. 2 girls who live on the Island and a boy who lives on the main land. They shared about how they do go to church but haven't accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior. I was able to lead them in a prayer where they repeated after me and I was able to pray for them. We also enjoyed playing games, making crafts, watching a Noah's ark skit and sending the kids off with a toy/gift. I'm thankful that so many kids came out to the block party and look forward to tomorrow afternoon's party as well.
Finally, I am thankful for the opportunities to spend time with other members in this this missions trip and get to know them better. I've had good conversations of thoughts about the mission trip and had the opportunity to encourage each other. This is one aspect of mission trips that is someone's overlooked but I'm glad people are aware and are open.
-Edwin Lai

Prayer requests:
Friday, Island block party from 4-6pm
Safety for everyone going on excursions and those staying in
Final completion or computer lab and for it's effective use after it is set up

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