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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Summer 2014 7/15/14 Day Five: James Lo (SCBC)

            Once again God has blessed us in Belize with an exciting and productive day in our work for him.  Today, just like yesterday, began with VBS proceeded by an excellent breakfast of Belizean Fried Jacks courtesy of Edith and Ms. Lupicia. VBS was as chaotic with every child bouncing off the walls with boundless energy and vigor. Their youthful excitement was especially prevalent when each crew of kids shared their cheer to be judged by Craig and his “expert” panel of judges (the winner being “Fried Chicken, Watermelon, Ice-Cream” team).  God truly blessed us in terms of attendance with every single child returning from Monday along with ten new kids brining our total up to 52 and nearing our once lofty goal of 60 children. With so many kids our crew leaders were sometimes overwhelmed, but God helped us persevere and continue to provide love that the children need ample amounts of love they all need. (Thanks to Ann for the penguin walk to keep the preschoolers in line).
            Once all the VBS kids had left, except for Derek and Eric who stayed to help, we returned to the construction project at hand. We made good progress digging yesterday, so for the construction, most of the work was in digging up the tenacious layer of earth that remained below the upper layer. Once again we all worked and sweat like few of us had done before, and due God’s role in motivating each and every one of us as well as a great effort from the entire team we were able to complete the digging. Now we only await the contractors to come and provide the church with a brand new parking lot. The painting also continued and good progress was made on it as well as we rallied to work diligently until dinner.  
            After dinner Sylvia lead us in group prayer to pray for each individual child by name, their families, and their future. This session enabled us to truly talk with God for the needs for every child in a more personal manner than normal prayer.
            By the end of the day, I found myself anticipating the next. My experience here in Belize and far exceeded by expectations, as I believe is the same for many of the first timers. Belize is a wonderful place and I thank God for bringing all of us here on this missions…OMG THERE’S A COCKAROACH ON MY LEG!

Prayer Request
1)   That all the children in VBS will be touched by Jesus and choose to bring him into their heart.       
2)   For the basketball tournament starting tomorrow
3)   For the general weather and environment to be accommodating (bugs, temperature, rain, etc.)

- James Lo

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